Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1

252 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance


he ten different ways of deriving the Black–Scholes
equation or formulæ that follow use different types
of mathematics, with different amounts of complexity
and mathematical baggage. Some derivations are useful
in that they can be generalized, and some are very
specific to this one problem. Naturally we will spend
more time on those derivations that are most useful or
give the most insight. The first eight ways of deriving
the Black–Scholes equation/formulæ are taken from the
excellent paper by Jesper Andreason, Bjarke Jensen and
Rolf Poulsen (1998).

In most cases we work within a framework in which
the stock path is continuous, the returns are normally
distributed, there aren’t any dividends, or transac-
tion costs, etc. To get the closed-form formulæ (the
Black–Scholesformulæ) we need to assume that volatil-
ity is constant, or perhaps time dependent, but for
the derivations of the equations relating the greeks
(the Black–Scholesequation) the assumptions can be
weaker, if we don’t mind not finding a closed-form

In many cases, some assumptions can be dropped.
The final derivation, Black–Scholes for accountants,
uses perhaps the least amount of formal mathematics
and is easy to generalize. It also has the advantage
that it highlights one of the main reasons why the
Black–Scholes model is less than perfect in real life. I
will spend more time on that derivation than most of
the others.

I am curious to know which derivation(s) readers prefer.
Please email your comments [email protected]
you know of other derivations please let me know.
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