Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 4: Ten Different Ways to Derive Black–Scholes 269

diffusion equation? It is


∂^2 V



+cV= 0.

Note the coefficientsa,bandc. At the moment these
could be anything.

Now for the two trivial observations.

First, cash in the bank must be a solution of this
equation. Financial contracts don’t come any simpler
than this. So plugV=ertinto this diffusion equation
to get
rert+ 0 + 0 +cert= 0.

Second, surely the stock price itself must also be a
solution? After all, you could think of it as being a call
option with zero strike. So plugV=Sinto the general
diffusion equation. We find
0 + 0 +b+cS= 0.

Puttingbandcback into the general diffusion equation
we find


∂^2 V



−rV= 0.

This is the risk-neutral Black–Scholes equation. Two
of the coefficients (those ofVand∂V/∂S) have been
pinned down exactly without any modelling at all. Ok,
so it doesn’t tell us what the coefficient of the second
derivative term is, but even that has a nice interpreta-
tion. It means at least a couple of interesting things.

First, if we do start to move outside the Black–Scholes
world then chances are it will be the diffusion coefficient
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