Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
280 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

Asymptotic analysis If the volatility of volatility is large
and the speed of mean reversion is fast in a stochastic
volatility model,

dS=rS dt+σSdX 1 and dσ=



dX 2

with a correlationρ, then closed-form approximate
solutions (asymptotic solutions) of the pricing equation
can be found for simple options for arbitrary functions
p−λqandq. In the above model the represents a
small parameter. The asymptotic solution is then a
power series in
1 /^2.

Sch ̈onbucher’s stochastic implied volatility Schonbucher begins ̈
with a stochastic model for implied volatility and
then finds the actual volatility consistent, in a no-
arbitrage sense, with these implied volatilities. This
model calibrates to market prices by definition.

Jump diffusion

Given the jump-diffusion model
the equation for an option is

+^12 σ^2 S^2

∂^2 V






SE[J−1]= 0.

E[·] is the expectation taken over the jump size.
If the logarithm ofJis Normally distributed with
standard deviationσ′then the price of a European
non-path-dependent option can be written as

n= 0



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