Islam at War: A History

(Ron) #1


  1. The Day when We shall roll up the heavens as a recorder rolleth up
    a written scroll. As We began the first creation, We shall repeat it. (It is) a
    promise (binding) upon Us. Lo! We are to perform it.

  2. And verily We have written in the Scripture, after the Reminder:
    My righteous slaves will inherit the earth:

Surah XXVII, 88. And thou seest the hill thou deemest solid flying with
the flight of clouds: the doing of Allah Who perfecteth all things. Lo! He
is Informed of what ye do.

  1. Whoso bringeth a good deed will have better than its worth; and such
    are safe from fear [terror] that Day.
    90.And whoso bringeth an ill deed, such will be flung down on their
    faces in the Fire[italics added]. Are ye rewarded aught save what ye did?

  2. (Say): I (Muhammad) am commanded only to serve the Lord of this
    land which He had hallowed, and unto Whom all things belong. And I am
    commanded to be of those who surrender (unto Him).

Surah VIII, 65. O Prophet! Exhort the believer to fight. If there be of you
twenty steadfast they shall overcome two hundred, and if there be of you
a hundred steadfast they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve,
because they (the disbeliveers) are a folk without intelligence.

  1. Now hath Allah lightened your burden, for He knoweth that there is
    weakness in you. So if there be of you a steadfast hundred, they shall
    overcome two hundred, and if there be a thousand (steadfast) they shall
    overcome two thousand by permission of Allah. Allah is with the steadfast.
    67.It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter
    in the land[italics added]. Ye desire the lure of this world and Allah desireth
    (for you) the Hereafter, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

Surah XLVII, 5. And when you meet in regular battle those who disbelieve,
smite their necks; and, when you have overcome them, by causing great
slaughter among them[italics added],bind fast the fetters—then afterwards
either release them as a favor or by taking ransom—until the war lays down
its burdens. That is the ordinance. And if Allah had so pleased, He could
have punished them Himself, but He has willed that He may try some of
you by others. And those who are killed in the way of Allah—He will never
render their works vain.

To summarize these surah, idolaters and infidels of every kind are
condemned to hell. Horror and terror are their lot in the afterlife. Surah
VIII, 67, “It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he hath made
slaughter in the land... .” could not be clearer in its commandment that
there must a great slaughter of nonbelievers BEFORE the war is ended,

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