Israel: air strikes of, 179, 181; attacks on,
Israeli-Arab wars, tactics in, 203–4
Israeli War of Independence, 173, 174
Istanbul, 100.See alsoConstantinople
Jabala, Sheikh, 28
Jabal Jarrada, Battle of, 161
Jahan, Shah, 58–59
Jahangir, 58
Jaime I, King of Aragon, 87
Jaipal, King of Lahore, 54
Jamaat-I-Islami, 244
Janissaries: in battle, 71, 97–98, 100,
147; decline of, 78, 138, 257; relations
with sultans, 103, 113; revolts of, 70,
111; strike of, 101; and succession,
101; system of, 95–96, 109–11
Jemal Pasha (Kuchuk), 130
Jerusalem: attack on, 176–77; fall of, 46;
importance of, 122, 173, 176; Israeli
occupation of, 249; as the Qilbah, 5.
See alsoPalestine
Jews: condemnation of, 214, 219,
226–27; treatment of, 229–30
jihad: concept of, 194–95, 207, 212,
233–34; first, 6; and fundamentalism,
261; modern, 242–44, 245;
organizations supporting, 247; rules
for, 213–14; strength of, 215
John, Bishop of Nikiu, 222
John of Austria, 148–50
John VI Cantacuzene, Emperor, 94
John V Palaeologus, Emperor, 94
Jomini, General Antoine, 112
Jordan, Israeli attack on, 180–81
Joscelin, King of Edessa, 43
Juan de Cardona, Don, 149
Julian, Count of Ceuta, 81–82
Kabilovich, Milosch, 96
Kadijah (Muhammad’s wife), 1–2
Kahalil, Sultan, 47
Kara Mustafa Pasha, 114–16, 140
Karari, Battle of, 168
Kashmir, conflicts over, 185–86
Kfar Darom, attack on, 174–75
Khafji, Battle of, 198–99
Khairbeg, Viceroy of Aleppo, 69
Khalid ibn al Waleed: and the caliph, 30;
demotion of, 28; leadership of, 16–17,
18–19, 26, 29, 34; and religion, 208
khalifa (Abd Allahi), 164–66
Khalil, Sultan, 49
al Khalil, Ibrahim, 167–68
Khartoum, capture of, 163
Khayr-ad-Din (Barbarossa), 145–46, 151
Khayyam, Omar, 236
Khilji, Muhammad, 226
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 189, 217
Khorramshahr, siege of, 190
Khyber Pass, 155–56, 157
Kilid Bahr, fighting at, 129
Kilij Arslan, 38–39, 49
Kitbugha, leader of Mongols, 64
Kitchener, General H. H., 167
Kle ́ber, General, 73
Knights of St. John, 101, 103, 107,
146–47.See alsoCrusaders
Knights Templar, 42, 238–39.See also
Kolokotrones, 77
Konrad III, King of Germany, 43
Konya, Battle of, 120–21
Koran, Surah II:154,193;216,1, 5, 212;
217,209–10;256, 213
Koran, Surah III:13,210;26,216;28,
151,219;167-68,215;189, 216
Koran, Surah IV:14,216;74,6–7, 13,
211, 212, 213, 241;76,212;89,7;93-
94,218, 233, 249;104,6–7, 13;144,
Koran, Surah V:33,213;57,226–27,
227;80,227;82, 227
Koran, Surah VIII:12,212;12-16,7–8;
67, 220