
(C. Jardin) #1

258 Week 8: Faraday’s Law and Induction

  • From this we can compute theself-induced (loop) voltages for simple current-carrying loops,
    in particular solenoids. To compute the self-inductance of a solenoidwe begin with the result
    for the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid from Ampere’s Law:


μ 0 N I


(parallel to the solenoid axis). The currentIcreates a fluxper turnthat is equal to:


μ 0 N AI


whereAis the cross-sectional area of the solenoid. The total flux is thus:

φ=N BA=μ^0 N

(^2) AI
=LsI (551)
whereLsis the self-inductance of the solenoid. Clearly:
μ 0 N^2 A


which dependsonly on the geometry of the solenoidjust as the capacitance of an arrangement
of conductors depended only ontheirgeometry.

  • The self-inductance of solenoids can be altered by wrapping them around suitablemagnetic
    materialsthat enhance (para) or reduce (dia) the magnetic fields inside. Solenoids so con-
    structed are ubiquitous in circuit design, where they are known asinductors; they are labelled
    with their inductanceLinHenries, the SI unit of inductance:

1 Henry =

1 Volt−Second

= 1 Ohm−Second (553)

  • In terms of inductance:



is a statement of the voltage across an inductor using Faraday’s Law.

  • Mutual inductance is the basis of a number of devices, in particular acenter-tap full-wave
    rectifier commonly used in e.g. DC power supplies or AM radios and intransformers, an
    essential component of the power distribution grid. If one imaginestwosolenoids, one with
    N 1 turns and cross sectional areaAand a second one withN 2 turns wrappedaroundthe first
    (so all of the flux (per turn) in the first passes through the loops of the second:


μ 0 N 1 AI 1
L (555)
for the first solenoid, so:
φ 2 =N 2

μ 0 N 1 AI 1


is the total flux through the second solenoid due to the current in the first. Thus:

M 21 =

φ 2
I 1


μ 0 N 1 N 2 A

=M 12 =M (557)
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