
(C. Jardin) #1

Week 11: Light 375

θ θi

incident reflected


l phase shift ofπ

Figure 143: When light is incident on a perfectly reflecting surface, itcreates little antennas/sources
that radiate theoppositefield in the direction of the incident field. These antennas cause the light
to be reflected at the same angle and with the opposite phase from the surface.

currents that oppose and cancel magnetic fields. In the dynamical case this is still true for
good conductors and optical frequencies. An incominglightwave strikes the conductor,
and its electric fieldpolarizesthe surface atoms so that they become little antennae
that oscillate along with the electric and magnetic field of the light. However, the fields
producedflip over(the way a dipole field does) and hence propagate in the leading
direction with theopposite phase, cancelling the forward directed field quite rapidly at
the surface (often within a few layers of atoms).
Since the conductor is good, very little energy is lost to eddy current heating during this
cancellation. The oscillating surface currents must reradiate theirenergy, and the only
direction they can do so that conserves energy and momentum is toreflectthe incident
energy. However, the reflected wave (in order to achieve the cancellation at the surface)
must have theopposite phasefrom the incoming wave. The situation is very much like
the reflection of a wave pulse on a string from a fixed point on the wall– the reflected
wave flips so it is upside down for precisely the same reasons (energyand momentum
In an elastic collision with the conductor, the component of the momentum of the light
alongthe surface is unchanged, but the perpedicular component inverts (becomes minus
itself). The only way this can be true is for the light to bounce off of the surface, with
its phase inverted, at an angle of reflectionθr(measured relative to the normal at the
surface at that point) equal to the angle of incidenceθias drawn above.
So that’s it:
θi=θℓ (919)

is the Law of Reflection. The polarization properties of the reflected light will be discussed
later below.
Note well that for this to be strictly true requires that the surface in question be extremely
smooth – “shiny” as it were. Otherwise neighboring rays would be reflected at different
angles because of small differences in the direction of a normal at different point on
a rough surface. Many (even most) surfaces of real materials are indeed rough on a
microscopic scale (compared to the wavelengths of the incoming light) and hence are
diffusely illuminated ty light instead of perfectly reflecting it accordingto this rule.
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