Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1



Mistaken Identities

  1. This activity is most suitable when the children do not know each other. Make name tags with
    large letters for all children. Use first or familiar or pet names only.

  2. Distribute the name tags to the group, making sure that no child gets his/her own name tag.

  3. Let the children mingle and find the right person, exchange names and where they are from.

  4. Cards should be easy to read and colorful so that the children can read the cards from a
    distance, mingle easily and meet people.

  5. If some children know each other and others do not, a pet name or a second name may be used
    for identification

Experience from the field
If children cannot read or write, draw the meanings of the names of the children or a symbol they like.
Even if children draw the same object, they can recognize their own drawing. After finding the child with
the right name tag, each child can introduce the other to the group.

Activity: Double Wheel; Partner: YWCA, Delhi

Double Wheel

  1. Ideally, this activity should be conducted
    when the children in the group do not
    know each other. Divide the children
    into two groups of equal size.

  2. Each group forms a circle, one group
    inside the other.

  3. The inside circle moves clockwise and
    the outside circle moves counter-
    clockwise when the music plays.

  4. When the music stops, the circles stop moving and the children in both circles face each other
    and exchange names and where they are from. When the music resumes, the children move in
    the circles as before.

  5. When the music stops, the children should rush to find their previous partner and both crouch
    down. The last few pairs to crouch down are selected to introduce their partners to the group.

  6. The Double Wheel continues for a few rounds more until all participants have introduced
    themselves to the group.

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