Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Linking Learning with Life
Ask the children to think about some values they have and how these values influence their
behavior. (Refer to Activity One in this session where value listing was done).
Ask them to complete the following sentences from their experience. You may need to give an
example. Add more values such as respecting elders, caring for the needy, being a good friend,
being honest, working in the community (shramdaan), helping parents, respecting each other,
studying hard and others.
I believe in sharing so................ (For example, I give money to my friend when he is in need)
I value my health so........... (For example, I do not eat gutka)
I believe girls are equal to me so........ (for example, I will not allow my sister to get married
before 18 years, or I will eat my dinner with her and not before her)
I respect girls so............... (For example, I will not slap or scream at her when I want her to
do something)
Ask the children to talk to their “friend” or “buddy” (see session one) about one value they have
and how it would influence their behavior. Ask the friend to suggest how else you may be able to
demonstrate your value through behavior. In the next session the friend reports back to the group
about the experience.
For Younger Children:
Use simpler statements for younger children.
Some examples are as follows:

  • I like being a good friend so I...

  • I like to speak the truth so ...

  • I like to help my mother so ...

Experience from the field
Make your own statements age appropriate and based on children’s needs such as: During school time, if
a friend asks you to go to a movie, what would you do? (CCDT, Mumbai)
“At first I made mistakes, but later I understood and really had to think about what I should do.”
(Children’s voice, CHES, Chennai)
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