Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1



At the end of the session the children will:

  • Understand that relationships of love include
    parents, brothers and sisters, friends and peers
    as well as that special person – a boy or a girl, a
    husband or a wife;

  • Learn that love can be expressed in many ways
    by caring and helping;

  • Understand the difference between a good and a
    bad friend;

  • Learn that abuse can be emotional, social and
    physical; and

  • Understand that give and take is important in
    any relationship.

Key Points

Young people may think of love only in terms of
sexual relationships. They generally do not stop to
think about the element of love in all their
relationships with family, friends and community.
It is therefore important to understand and define
love in a broader sense so it can include all kinds of
love. We define love as including caring, trust and
commitment. Young people should know how to
choose their friends. They should also realize that
friendships with the opposite sex need not
necessarily be a love relation; they can be just a
friendship without any romantic love component
to it, or a casual acquaintance or a more serious
one that can lead to love. Young people should
know that love can be between people of the same
sex. Many relationships also bring hurt; hard
decisions have to be made about whether to
continue these relationships. Young people also

need to know that it is easier to blame others for
the breakdown of a relationship than taking
responsibility for making a relationship work
through a process of give and take.

Life Skills Learned
Empathy, communication, self awareness and
critical thinking.

Time Required
Activity two 15 minutes; all others 30 –45 minutes.

Activity One: chart paper, markers
Activity Two: chalk
Activity Three: blindfolds
Activity Four, Five, Six, Eight, and Nine: chart paper,
markers and cards
Activity Seven: toy telephones

Note for the facilitator
Use this opportunity to ensure that young people
understand relationships that are physical or
emotional can be between people of the same or
opposite sex. Explain that this is a question of
personal preference, and that it may be harder for
some relationships to be accepted by society —but
that does not make them wrong. Create an
environment where all individual choices are
respected, and that does not focus only on one type
of relationship.

Session Two: Network of Relationships

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