Linking Learning With Life
Suggest that the children could, until the next session, observe their own emotions, how they
express them and what they feel in their bodies. Inform them that they will be able to share their
observations in the next session. Ask them also to observe whether they are giving “mixed”
messages. Alternatively, children can role play with a friend and observe one another. The
counselor should be present to handle any ventilation of emotions and feeling of the children.
Experience from the field
Children were having a little difficulty in connecting their emotional state with the physical changes of the
emotions, so a warm-up exercise was introduced at the beginning.
Children were asked how they feel when they physically fight with each other. Some answers were:
- Fast breathing, terrible headache, eyes start burning.
They were then asked how they felt when they were very afraid. - Palms become cold, knees feel weak, fast breathing
Children were asked how they felt when they were happy - Tears come out of their eyes, feel like jumping, hugging my best friend, shouting (PCI, Delhi)
Tips for the facilitatorTips for the facilitatorTips for the facilitatorTips for the facilitatorTips for the facilitator
- The facilitator can read out the cards if the children cannot read or write. Also discuss emotions
and feelings. - All the cards can be displayed together and children can pick and match with the feelings.
- Children are not used to thinking about feelings and the activity may have to be repeated later.