Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Adolescence is a period of great changes, physical,
emotional and social. These changes put young
people at particular risk of HIV. Therefore,
understanding these changes strengthens the ability
of young people to protect themselves from HIV
and risky behavior.

This module helps young people understand the
physical and emotional changes that take place in
adolescence, how one’s gender influences the way one
is socialized and why we must understand sexual and
reproductive health issues to prevent HIV.

When young people understand their own bodies
and their own behavior related to their sex and
gender, they are better able to understand how risk
behavior, particularly related to unprotected sexual
behavior can affect them. Abstaining from sex or
being faithful to one partner, and practicing safe sex
become desirable choices that ensure prevention of
HIV and STIs. Young people often are not aware or
fully informed of their vulnerability or the
consequences of their behavior, making them
susceptible to pressures from peers, alcohol and
substance abuse, and other risk taking activities.

As in the other modules, gender issues and linking
learning with life are interwoven into the sessions.
Each session, while informing the children of the
physical and biological changes and differences,
also discusses related gender issues. The sessions
ensure that boys and girls understand the changes
that opposite sex members are going through so
that they learn how to empathize with each other.
Understanding gender means respect for each other
and appreciation of each other’s individuality.
Understanding gender also means recognizing
reasons for differences in status between boys and
girls. The linking learning to life activities help to
internalize and practice what has been learned. If
only one or two sessions or activities are used from

this module, the facilitator must remember to link
gender and learning with life while implementing
the program.
Additional activities have been provided and are
useful if more discussion is needed on issues of sex
and sexuality. A lot of material is available on
puberty and reproduction, and facilitators are
advised to use these materials if the participants
need more information on sexual and reproductive
health. A discussion on sexuality and reproduction
can be made easier by using videos, charts and
posters during the activities.

This module contains three sessions:

My Body and Me
This session explores the biological and social
differences between boys and girls and how these
affect the life experiences of both. There are three
activities in this session.

Facts & Myths: What do I know of sex and
This session discusses reproduction and the myths
surrounding sex and sexuality.

Body Mapping
This session helps young people understand that
some touches are risky and that they need to
protect themselves.


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