Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1



How Different Are We?

  1. Make three columns on a flipchart. On top of the first column write “Girl/Woman” and leave the
    other two blank. Ask the children to list what girls are like, what are their special characteristics
    and how they are different from boys. These may include commonly accepted qualities or
    stereotypes. Try to get as big a list as possible.

  2. Label the third column “Boy/Man.” Repeat the same for what boys are like.

  3. Make sure both columns have some negative and positive traits and abilities. Also add any
    biological differences (such as menstruation, breasts, wet dreams, cracking of the voice, beard
    and penis).

  4. Now reverse the heading of the first and third columns by writing “Boy/Man” over the first
    column and “Girl/Woman” over the third column. Go through the list and ask the children
    whether boys can have the behavior or quality that is supposed to be for girls and whether girls
    can have those that are said to belong to boys. Those that cannot be interchanged between boys
    and girls are placed in the middle column labeled “Sex.”

Experience from the field
When drinking and smoking were described as “Can be done by both men and women,” the facilitator
pointed out that it would create problems for both. (WINS, Tirupati).

Tips for the facilitatorTips for the facilitatorTips for the facilitatorTips for the facilitatorTips for the facilitator
Facilitator must provide proper response to any negative statements related to gender and must ensure
that one’s own bias does not lead to any value judgments.

For Younger Children:
Make two columns. On one write ‘Girl’ and on the other write ‘Boy.’ Ask the children to name the
special characteristics of boys and make a list. Do the same for the column on girls. As in Step One
for older children (see above), try to get as many answers as possible. Do not comment on the
answers. Some possible answers are:
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