Ask the children if they found the session useful, what they liked or did not and why.
Linking Learning With Life
Ask the children to make a safety code that they can share with their friends. It could be something
like this.
How to be Safe:
- Do not talk to strangers;
- At night always go in a group or with one or two friends; and
- Shout if someone tries to touch you or take you away.
Make a plan to share it with others and add new suggestions as they arise.
Activity: Bad Touch; Partner: CRS-St. Paul’s Trust, Andhra Pradesh.
Experience from the field
Puppets were very useful and helped to open up the discussion. (PCI, CCDT and YWCA).
While sharing experiences, girls realized that even the boys are exploited and that they too feel bad when
they are touched. They discussed who could exploit them even in their own home – uncle, mother’s
partner, those who stayed with them. (CCDT).
While doing the session with the boys (12 – 14 years, 15 – 18 years), they did not want to do the
markings in front of their facilitator and preferred to work in groups and share later. (PCI, Delhi).