Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


This framework for life skills can be adapted
according to the specific needs of the program. The
following example illustrates how a school-based
Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS
Prevention Program adapted the framework.^5 The
program identified the life skills and behavior
changes expected from the students.

EXAMPLE: Sexual and Reproductive Health and
HIV/AIDS Prevention School Program
Students observe and practice ways to develop
the following skills:

(^5) Skills for Health, Pg 14, WHO Information Series on School Health Document 9
Communication skills

  • Effectively express
    desire to abstain or
    have safe sex.

  • Influence others to
    abstain from sex or
    practice safe sex using
    condoms if they
    cannot be influenced
    to abstain from sex.

  • Demonstrate support
    for the prevention of
    discrimination related
    to HIV/AIDS

Advocacy skills

  • Present arguments for
    access to sexual and
    reproductive health
    information, services
    and counseling for
    young people

Negotiation/refusal skills

  • Refuse sexual
    intercourse or
    negotiate the use of

Decision-making skills

  • Seek and find reliable
    sources of information about
    human anatomy, puberty,
    conception and pregnancy,
    STIs, HIV/AIDS, and local
    prevalence rates and
    available methods of

  • Analyze potential situations
    for sexual interaction and
    determine actions to take and
    their potential consequences

Critical thinking skills

  • Analyze myths and
    misconceptions perpetuated
    by the media about HIV/AIDS,
    contraceptives, gender roles,
    and body image

  • Analyze socio-cultural
    influences regarding sexual

Interpersonal skills

  • Show interest in and listen
    actively to others

  • Behave caring and
    compassionately when
    interacting with someone who
    is infected with HIV

Skills for managing stress

  • Seek services for help
    with reproductive and
    sexual health issues
    including, contraception,
    condoms to prevent HIV or
    unplanned pregnancy,
    sexual abuse, exploitation,
    discrimination, gender-
    based violence or other
    emotional trauma

Skills for increasing personal

  • Abilities to assume control,
    take responsibility, make a
    difference or bring about

  • Assert personal values
    when encountering
    peer-related and other
    social pressures

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