Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


may also be used. Here children rank items
according to some criteria such as the biggest
problem, the least one and so on. The
relationship or communication mapping
techniques (described in the section on Active
Learning Methods) clearly depict changes in
relationships, especially when used before and
after a Life Skills Education Program.

The T chart
Social skills can be evaluated with a T chart.
Across the horizontal line, write the skill to be
evaluated. On one side of the T write what this
skill will sound like (verbal behavior). On the
other side of the T write what this skill will look
like (non-verbal behavior). The child is then
asked to demonstrate the skill or use a role play
to do so. This tool evaluates what the children
know about the skill, how it is expressed and how
it is used (role play, demonstration, etc.).

The H Assessment
This tool is useful with children to understand their
assessment of a program or workshop or activity.
Draw an H on a chart paper and ask the children
to gather around it. If the children can write, they
can be divided into groups with each group given
an H on a large chart paper.

The “H” assessment


The T Chart


Saying Showing (body language)

This tool is easy to administer with non-literate groups.
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