
(John Hannent) #1
jnl.Subject = rst![Transaction]
jnl.Type = rst![JournalType]
jnl.Companies = rst![Dept]
jnl.Start = rst![TransactionDate]

Create a text string with data from various table fields, for writing to the journal item’s Body field:

strBody = IIf(rst![Debit] > 0, “Debit of “ _
& Format(rst![Debit], “$###,##0.00”) _
& “ for “, “”) & IIf(rst![Credit] > 0, _
“Credit of “ & Format(rst![Debit], _
“$###,##0.00”) & “ for “, “”) _
& “Account No. “ & rst![Account]
Debug.Print “Body string: “ & strBody
jnl.Body = strBody
jnl.Close (olSave)

strTitle = “Done”
strPrompt = “All transactions exported to Outlook “ _
& “journal items”
MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle

‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set appOutlook = CreateObject(“Outlook.Application”)
Resume Next
MsgBox “Error No: “ & Err.Number _
& “; Description: “ & Err.Description
Resume ErrorHandlerExit
End If

End Function

When Outlook 2007 is first installed, the Journal component is turned off; activate it in
order to see the journal entries created by the preceding procedure.

This function first sets up a DAO recordset based on tblMainframeData and loops through it, creat-
ing a new journal item in the default Journal folder for each record in the table, and setting its
properties from data in the table’s fields. There is a success message when all the data has been
exported. Figure 4.6 shows a journal item created from a transaction record.

To avoid having to create a custom Journal form, the code writes the Dept data to the Companies
(Company in the interface) field of a standard Journal item. Data from several fields is concate-
nated into a String variable, which is written to the Body field (the large textbox at the bottom of
the Journal item).


Part I The Office Components and What They Do Best

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