Forward-only recordsets are similar to snapshot-type recordsets, except that you only move
through the records in a forward direction.
Dynamic recordsets represent the results of updatable queries, possibly based on more than one
table. You can use these recordsets to add, edit, or delete records from one or more base tables, and
so can other users.
QueryDefs ....................................................................................................
QueryDefs correspond to queries in the Access interface. Though you can create dynaset-type
recordsets based directly on queries, and for select queries that works fine, QueryDefs offer extra
functionality: you can create a query on the fly, in VBA code (for example, to filter by a value
entered or selected on a form), and then use that QueryDef as the data source for a recordset. You
can even create a make-table query in code, and execute it to create a table, for circumstances
where you need a table to work with. This eliminates the need for numerous filtered queries, and
also lets you work around various problems with creating recordsets based on parameter queries.
The following procedure creates a QueryDef programmatically, using a SQL string as the data
source, and returns the number of records; it is useful in determining whether there are any
records in a filtered query, before taking an action. I call this procedure frequently in code in the
sample databases for this book:
Public Function CreateAndTestQuery(strTestQuery As String, _
strTestSQL As String) As Long
On Error Resume Next
Delete old query:
Set dbs = CurrentDb
dbs.QueryDefs.Delete strTestQuery
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Create new query:
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef(Name:=strTestQuery, _
Test whether there are any records:
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(Name:=strTestQuery)
With rst
Part II Writing VBA Code to Exchange Data between Office Components