
(John Hannent) #1
When all the contacts have been exported to the worksheet, a save name is constructed from the
template’s Title property and the current date, and displayed in an InputBox so it can be edited, if
desired; finally, the worksheet is saved with the save name and made visible.

The ExportContactsToExcelprocedure in this section can be run from the macro

The resulting worksheet is shown in Figure 7.7.


A minimally formatted worksheet filled with Access data.

Tabular Worksheets Formatted from Code ........................................................................

Many companies store data on customer or client accounts in an Access database and need to
export that data to Excel for further analysis or distribution. For example, an insurance company
might need to export data on the companies it insures, including the account number, account
type, policyholder, and account executive for use by their employees in the field. The
ExportAccountSummaryprocedure (listed as follows) exports this data, using a different
approach than the previous procedure. Instead of using a preformatted Excel template, all the
formatting and sizing is applied directly from VBA code, to an Excel 9 worksheet filled with Access
data by the TransferSpreadsheetmethod:

Public Function ExportAccountSummary()

Dim strWorksheet As String
Dim strWorksheetPath As String
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application


Working with Excel Worksheets 7

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