Return a reference to the command bar..
Set cbrMenu = pappAccess.CommandBars(“Report Design”)
Add a button to call the add-in from the command bar, if it doesn’t already exist.
Look for the button on the command bar.
Set cbbAddIn = _
cbrMenu.FindControl(Tag:=”Rename Report Controls”)
If cbbAddIn Is Nothing Then
Add the new button.
Set cbbAddIn = _
cbrMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, _
Parameter:=”Rename Report Controls”)
Set the button’s Caption, Tag, Style, and OnAction properties.
With cbbAddIn
.Caption = “Rename &Report Controls”
.Tag = “Rename Report Controls”
.Style = msoButtonCaption
Run the main add-in function.
.OnAction = PROG_ID_START & AddInInst.ProgId _
End With
End If
Return a reference to the new commandbar button.
Set CreateReportCommandBarButton = cbbAddIn
Exit Function
AddInErr Err
Resume ErrorHandlerExit
End Function
Function RemoveAddInCommandBarButton(ByVal _
RemoveMode As AddInDesignerObjects.ext_DisconnectMode)
Creating COM Add-ins with Visual Basic 6 13