Determine whether original the control names should be stored in the Tag property.
pstrMessage = _
“When processing form controls, should the original “ _
& “control name be saved to the control’s Tag “ _
& “property?”
intTag = MsgBox(pstrMessage, vbYesNo + vbQuestion + _
vbDefaultButton2, “Control Name Backup”)
If intTag = vbYes Then
blnTag = True
blnTag = False
End If
Process the open forms.
For Each pfrm In pappAccess.Forms
For Each pctl In pfrm.Controls
strCtlName = pctl.Name
plngControlType = pctl.ControlType
blnUnbound = False
Select Case plngControlType
Controls with control source
Case acTextBox
strPrefix = “txt”
i = ControlCS(pctl, strPrefix, blnTag)
Case acComboBox
strPrefix = “cbo”
i = ControlCS(pctl, strPrefix, blnTag)
Case acCheckBox
strPrefix = “chk”
strControlSource = pctl.ControlSource
If blnUnbound = False Then
i = ControlCS(pctl, strPrefix, blnTag)
i = ControlNA(pctl, strPrefix, blnTag)
End If
Case acBoundObjectFrame
strPrefix = “frb”
i = ControlCS(pctl, strPrefix, blnTag)
Creating COM Add-ins with Visual Basic 6 13