Exporting Access Data to an Unformatted Worksheet..........................................................
If you just need to move a chunk of data from Access to Excel, and you don’t need fancy format-
ting, you can use the Excel command in the Export group on the External Data tab of the Ribbon
to export the Access data to a plain, unformatted worksheet. The sample database, based on the
Northwind sample database, has a query that links all the data tables, qryNorthwindAll. A
query of this type is very useful for doing data exports, because it contains all the data you might
want to export. (Figure 3.1 shows this query selected in the Object Bar.)
Exporting to Excel from a Ribbon command.
Clicking the Excel command with a database object selected opens the Export dialog, where you
can browse for the folder where the worksheet should be saved, and select a worksheet file format.
This dialog is shown in Figure 3.2. You can check the “Export data with formatting and layout”
selection if desired, but it doesn’t make much of a difference when exporting data from tables or
queries, and I don’t recommend exporting data from forms or reports, because the formatting you
need in Excel isn’t the same as the formatting you need in an Access form or report.
Part I The Office Components and What They Do Best