The Sunday Times - UK (2022-02-06)

(Antfer) #1
It’s New Year’s Eve and I am two-stepping on a podium
on Zipolite, Mexico’s only nudist beach, next to a man in a
gimp mask in the shape of a rat’s head. From this vantage
point I have an excellent view of the crowd, moving
rhythmically to a remix of Born Slippy by Underworld,
bronzed and slightly sweaty flesh undulating in the light
of a hundred fireworks. Out of the corner of my eye I can
see Instagram comedian Jordan Firstman gesticulating
animatedly at the bar, and in the distance the unmistak-
able blonde tresses of Sienna Miller dancing around a
campfire blazing on the beach. Every now and again a head
appears in the crowd belonging to someone I haven’t seen
since my primary-school days in west London, like a
bizarre game of Whac-A-Mole — if the moles used to do
karate with you and now work in insurance. A couple of
hours later the sun comes up over the rugged stretch
of sand along Oaxaca’s Pacific coast, and revellers nurse
bottles of warm Modelo beer to usher in a new year and an
off-the-charts hangover.

Welcome to Puerto Escondido, which, until recently, was
solely a refuge for surfers, backpackers and locals looking for
a quiet seaside getaway. Unlike Mexico’s Caribbean coast,
the Oaxacan coastline, with its multicoloured markets and
impregnable waves, has remained crystallised in time. But
then Kanye West decamped here with his family in the
summer. And in the weeks since Omicron single-handedly
ruined everyone’s Christmas like a viral Scrooge, it appears
that half of London and a roster of A-listers such as Cara
Delevingne and Douglas Booth have received the same
memo and sought sanctuary along these shores.
This is partly thanks to Mexico’s open-door travel policy,
making it one of the few long-haul places Brits are allowed
to fly to without any restrictions, hampered as we are by our
international superspreader status. At the moment the only
requirements to get into Mexico are a valid passport and a
completed health questionnaire and border-control form.
Despite this, infection rates remain low and in the cities and
beach towns locals take their own precautions, wearing

From Kanye West to Sienna Miller, anyone who’s anyone right

now is partying in a small town on Mexico’s Pacific coast.

Juliana Piskorz reports from the hippest holiday hotspot of 2022

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26 • The Sunday Times Style

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