The Sunday Times - UK (2022-02-06)

(Antfer) #1
The Sunday Times February 6, 2022 9

Turning up

with the fixings

for a negroni
makes you
very popular

accented with
shades abound. I want
to drag all the architects
who have ever designed
a tedious, nondescript
bungalow here and point
them at these creations.
The envy ramps up
further when we take a
self-guided mid-century
driving tour. House after
house — we want them all.
To distract myself I sign


accented with
shades abound. I
to drag all the arch
who have ever des
a tedious, nondesc
bungalow here an
them at these cre
The envy ramps u
further when we ta
self-guided mid-ce
driving tour. Hous
house — we want t
To distract mys

up for an early-morning bike
tour to Andreas Canyon
( Jane, wisely, opts to lounge
by the pool). It’s three miles
of cycling to the trailhead,
a mile loop on foot up the
canyon, then back to base on
bikes. It’s good to see Andreas
Creek, with evidence of an
actual spring, and a profusion
of huge California fan palms,
but the trip is mostly an effort
to counter the impending
ravages of lunch and dinner.

as does a passion-fruit
margarita in a can.
We go native the next day,
driving the half a mile to
Sherman’s Deli & Bakery,
rather than walking or cycling.
Jane’s salad is the answer to
the question “how do we add
600 calories to a bowl of
lettuce?” We retreat to the
hotel for a lie-down, looking
forward to Orbitinis, but
slightly dreading dinner.
The first thing that Draper
does when he arrives in Palm
Springs is to keel over with
heat exhaustion. He rallies,
of course, ably assisted by Joy.
The moral here — keep cool
and relax — is our mantra for
three lethargic days. We
imagined that inertia might
have been a challenge, given
how much is happening in
Palm Springs, but it really,
really isn’t.

Stephen Ferns travelled
independently. The Orbit In has
room-only doubles from £155
( Big Wheel Tours
has cycling, hiking and 4x4
tours, with half-day cycling
tours from £119 (bwbtours.
com). Five nights’ room-only
at La Quinta Resort from
£1,395pp, including flights
and car hire (inspiringtravel For more

Palm Springs


Las Vegas

100 miles

The Orbit In supplies a
DIY breakfast. Thereafter it’s
a daily confrontation between
American portion sizes and
British appetites — small-town
USA is no place to diet. It’s
barely past noon, but the
meatloaf platter at the Wilma
& Frieda diner has to be done,

Dean Martin, left, played
golf in Palm Springs,
above left, which also
offers quiet bike rides

From left:
a Slim
shot of
guests at
a Richard
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