Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1
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a truth that lies between them, it teaches one to see things as
they are. Whilst emphasizing the truth of suffering, the Buddha
shows us the way to get rid of our suffering and gain the highest

e Second Truth of the Cause of Suffering reveals to us that it is
craving which produces rebirth which is accompanied by passion-
ate clinging, desiring for this and that in life. It is the craving for
sensual pleasures for wealth, for fame and materialistic possessions
of life that are the causes of the great dissatisfaction with life.

e Dhammapada states:

‘From craving springs grief,
from craving springs fear;
For him who is wholly free
from craving, there is no
grief, whence fear?’

It is this gross and subtle craving that leads to repeated births in
Samsara and that which makes one cling to all forms of life.

e ird Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering is the com-
plete separation from, and the destruction of, this very craving
which is a state of absolute quietude, the Bliss Supreme, Nirvana,
wherein all the sufferings in human life are extinguished.

e Fourth Truth of the Path leading to the Cessation of Suffering
is the Noble Eightfold Path, the golden means of the Buddha.

e Four Noble Truths teach us to face the reality of human suf-
fering, which is, the Truth of Suffering; to grasp its real cause,

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