Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

is Wheel of Life is an unique and superb representation of
Samsara, the world of Birth and Death, in it all kinds of living
beings exist and are classified into six types. Samsara is held
between the jaws of the King of Demons, Mara, who attempts
to rule the mind of mankind and holding them in a state of

Within the spokes of the Wheel the Six Realms or Karmic
Destinations, which is known as Cyclic Existence, can be seen.
Cyclic existence is beginingless which means that each being
has lived countless lifetimes and as such there is no being who
has not been his mother or father at one existence or another.
Buddhism therefore teaches that every being is in fact a kind
mother being who has, in the past, shown great love, kindness
and protection to each one of us and that we should in turn be
ready to repay them with similar acts of kindliness. is is a very
important aspect of Buddhist practice that will help one to de-
velop compassion and the mind of enlightenment.

he ix ealms of xistence

e Realm of the Devas or Gods is the happiest state as those
who dwell there enjoy continual pleasure and sensual delight,
mitigated only by the fact that they too must eventually die and
pass on to the other states once their karmic forces die out. Birth
into this realm is mainly due to one having lived virtuously and
generously towards others.

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