Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

living that will lead to Buddhahood while a non-virtuous life
will cause one to be dragged into the hell state.

e above explanation of the Wheel of Life helps us to under-
stand clearly that our existence and sufferings are the result of the
Twelve Causes and Conditions (which are without beginning) of
birth, death and rebirth. Anyone wishing to be freed from Sam-
saric existences should therefore take great pains to comprehend
it so that with the realisation of the misfortunes of Ignorance,
efforts will be expanded to free oneself from the endless series
of rebirths. e Way to total freedom is through understanding
and practising the Buddha Dharma and this is depicted by the
figures of the Buddhas outside the Wheel of Life, who through
attaining Enlightenment have freed themselves from the grips
of Mara.

Karma — he aw of ause and ffect

Everywhere we turn in the world misery is all around us. Yet
have we ever stopped to consider the meaning of such pain
and misery? Why should there be so many who are born sick,
lame, deformed, ugly, blind, deaf and mentally defective?
Some religions teach that it is the will of the Creator who
inflicts these pains on mankind because of the sins of their
forbears. Surely this idea is much too primitive for any serious
consideration as no Creator-God, who is merciful and just,
would want to senselessly inflict pain on the innocent who are
but his creation!
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