Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

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he iamond utra
( he ajracchedika-rajna-aramita utra)

is is undoubtedly one of the most popular Sutras among the
Chinese. Almost every Buddhist has heard of or read it, though
the number of those who are able to comprehend its full mean-
ing are very small indeed. It is believed that the merit for those
who assiduously study this doctrine is immeasurable and even
without comprehension of its highest meaning, a measureless
efficacy is ascribed to recitation of the words of this Sutra in
devout faith. is explains for the great popularity of the Sutra
with the people so that almost every Buddhist home has a copy
of it. e most famous amongst all the translations from San-
skrit into Chinese is that of K and here is its version
which was translated by Upasaka Lu Kuan-Yu.

us have I heard. Once upon a time, the Buddha sojourned in
the Jetavana park near Sravasti with an assembly of twelve hun-
dred and fifty bhiksus.
One day, at mealtime, the World Honoured One put on His
robe, took His bowl, and entered the great town of Sravasti to
beg for His food. After He had begged from door to door, He
returned to His place. When He had taken His meal, He put
away His robe and bowl, washed His feet, arranged His seat and
sat down.
At the time, the elder Subhuti who was in the assembly, rose
from his seat, uncovered his right shoulder, knelt upon his right
knee, respectfully joined the palms of his hands and said to the
Buddha: ‘It is very rare, O World Honoured One! how well the
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