Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

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C XX

he hammapada

e Dhammapada preserves the “Words of the Buddha” for it
carries the spirit of the Lord’s teachings. It is one of the best
loved Buddhist scriptures which is recited daily by millions
of devotees who chant its verses in their native dialects. ere
exist several renditions of the Dhammapada in Pali, Sanskrit,
Chinese and Tibetan languages which all contain the sayings
that Sakyamuni Buddha had given during the forty-five years of
his ministry.

N B

All that we are is the result of what we have intended, it is
founded on our intentions, it is made up of our intentions. If a
man speaks or acts with a bad intention, pain follows him, as the
wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the cart.
All that we are is the result of what we have intended, it is
founded on our intentions, it is made up of our intentions. If a
man speaks or acts with a pure intention, happiness follows him,
like a shadow that never leaves him.
‘He insulted me, he beat me, he frustrated me, he deprived me’,
— in those who harbour such thoughts hatred will never end.
‘He insulted me, he beat me, he frustrated me, he deprived me’,
— in those who do not harbour such thoughts hatred will end.
For never does hatred end by hatred anywhere, hatred ends
by love; this is the eternal law.
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