Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

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Like a beautiful flower, full of colour, but without scent, are
the fair but fruitless words of him who does not act accordingly.
Like a beautiful flower, full of colour and full of scent, are
the pure and fruitful words of him who acts accordingly.
Even as one may make many kinds of wreaths from a heap
of flowers, so should one born to the mortal lot, perform good
deeds manifold.
e scent of flowers does not travel against the wind, nor
that of sandal-wood, or of Tagara and Mallika flowers; but the
fragrance of good people travels even against the wind; a good
man pervades every place.
Mean is the scent that comes from Tagara and Sandal-wood;
the perfume of those who possess virtue rises up to the god as
the highest.
Long is the night to him who is awake;
long is a league to him who is tired;
long is the round of rebirth to the
foolish who do not know the True Law.
How is there laughter, how is there joy, as this world is always
burning? Why do you not seek a light, ye who are shrouded in
is body is wasted, frail, a nest of disease; this heap of cor-
ruption breaks to pieces, life indeed ends in death. e brilliant
chariots of kings wear away, the body likewise waxes old, but
the virtue of good people knows no age, thus do the good say to
the good.
A man who has learnt little, grows old like an ox, his flesh
grows but his knowledge does not grow.
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