Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

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Even the gods envy those who are awakened and mindful,
who are given to meditation, who are steadfast and delight in
the peace of retirement.
Difficult it is to obtain birth as a human being, difficult is
the life of mortals, difficult is the hearing of the true Law, dif-
ficult is the rise of the Buddhas.
Patience, long-suffering, is the highest form of penance,
Nirvana the highest of all things, say the Awakened; for he is
not an anchorite who strikes another, he is not an ascetic who
insults another.
If a traveller does not meet with one who is his better or
equal, let him keep firmly to his solitary journey; there is no
companionship with the young in wisdom.
‘ese sons belong to me and this wealth belongs to me’, with
such thoughts a fool is tormented. He himself does not belong to
himself, how much less sons and wealth?
e unwise one who knows his foolishness is wise at least so
far; but the unwise one who thinks himself wise, he is called a
fool indeed...
If a person young in wisdom be associated with a wise man
even all his life, he will perceive the truth as little as a spoon
perceives the taste of soup.
If an intelligent man be associated for one minute only with
a wise man, he will soon perceive the truth, as the tongue per-
ceives the taste of soup.
People with little understanding are their own greatest
enemies, for they do evil deeds which must bear bitter fruits.
at deed is not well done of which a man must repent, and
the reward of which he receives crying with a tearful face.
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