Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

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forest (of lust) and its undergrowth, then, monks, will you be rid
of the forest and be freed.
Death comes and carries off that man absorbed in his chil-
dren and flocks, his mind distracted, as a flood carries off a
sleeping village.
Sons are no help, nor a father, not relations, there is no help
from kinsfolk for one whom Death has seized.
If by leaving a small pleasure one sees a great pleasure, let a
wise man leave the small pleasure and look to the great.
He who by causing pain to others wishes to obtain happiness
for himself, he, entangled in the bonds of hatred, will never be
free from hatred.
What ought to be done is neglected, what ought not to be
done is done; the evil proclivities of unruly, heedless people are
always increasing.
But they who, ever alert, meditate on the body do not fol-
low what ought not be done, but steadfastly do what ought to be
done, the evil proclivities of watchful and wise people will come
to an end.
ey who are ashamed of what they ought not to be ashamed
of, and are not ashamed of what they ought to be ashamed
of, such men, embracing false doctrines enter the downward
ey who fear when they ought not fear, and fear not when
they ought to fear, such men, embracing false doctrines, enter
the downward path.
ey who see sin where none exists, and do not see it where
it does exists, such men, embracing false doctrines, enter the
downward path.
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