Global Warming

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
The goal of environmentalstewardship 329

last August, Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations
presented ‘Competing Futures’ in the following terms^10 :

Imagine a future of relentless storms and floods; islands and heavily
inhabited coastal regions inundated by rising sea levels; fertile soils
rendered barren by drought and the desert’s advance; mass migrations of
environmental refugees; and armed conflicts over water and precious
natural resources.
Then, think again – for one might just as easily conjure a more
hopeful picture: of green technologies; liveable cities; energy-efficient
homes, transport and industry; and rising standards of living for all the
people not just a fortunate minority. The choice between these competing
visions is ours to make.

What the individual can do
I have spelled out the responsibilities of experts of all kinds – scientists,
economists, technologists, politicians, industrialists, communicators and
educators. There are important contributions also to be made by ordinary
individuals to help to mitigate the problem of global warming.^12 Some
of these are to:
ensure maximum energy efficiency in the home – through good
insulation (see box on page 280) against cold in winter and heat
in summer and by making sure that rooms are not overheated and
that light is not wasted;
as consumers, take energy use into account, e.g. by buying goods
that last longer and from more local sources and buying appliances
with high energy efficiency;
support, where possible, the provision of energy from non-fossil-
fuel sources; for instance, purchase ‘green’ electricity (i.e. elec-
tricity from renewable sources)wherever this option is available^13 ;
drive a fuel-efficient car and choose means of transport that tend to
minimise overall energy use; for instance, where possible, walking
or cycling;
check, when buying wood products, that they originate from a
renewable source;
contribute to projects that reduce carbon dioxide emissions – this
can be a way of compensating for some of the emissions to which
we contribute, e.g. from aircraft journeys^14 ;
through the democratic process, encourage local and national gov-
ernments to deliver policies which properly take the environment
into account.
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