
(Tina Sui) #1

496 Notes to pp. 26–35

Nationalsozialer Verein. From 1910 on he was the leader of the left wing
of the Fortschrittliche Volkspartei, with its Christian socialist leanings. By
the beginning of the Weimar Republic, Naumann had shed his dogmatic
religious allegiance. He now became a member of the Reichstag and of the
National Assembly set up to frame a constitution. He was also chairman of
the Democratic Party.
6 See Ralf Roth, Stadt und Bürgertum in Frankfurt am Main, p. 539ff.
7 Siegfried Kracauer, Ginster. Schriften, vol. 7, p. 20.
8 See Ingomar Bog, ‘Die Industrialisierung in Hessen’, p. 192.
9 The Römer is the old town hall. It is all part of the same central complex
of (formerly) medieval buildings as the cathedral and the ‘Schirn’, which is
now a museum [trans.].
10 A vivid description of the age is to be found in Mile Braach, Rückblende:
Erinnerungen einer Neunzigjährigen, memoirs written when the author was
ninety years old. See also Ralf Roth, Stadt und Bürgertum in Frankfurt am
Main, p. 600ff.
11 See Siegfried Kracauer, Schriften, vol. 5.1, p. 347.
12 Adorno, Alban Berg, p. 1.
13 Adorno and Berg, Briefwechsel 1925–35, p. 9.
14 Adorno, Erziehung zur Mündigkeit: Vorträge und Gespräche mit Hellmut
Becker 1959–1969, p. 117f.
15 Adorno, ‘Vierhändig, noch einmal’, GS, vol. 17, p. 303ff.
16 Amorbach is about 60 miles south-east of Frankfurt [trans.].
17 Adorno, ‘Amorbach’, GS, vol. 10.1, p. 306.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid., p. 303ff. The building that Rossmann lived in had previously been the
home of the Amorbach Court Theatre. Drawings by Rossmann, including
designs for the Bayreuth stage, can be seen in the museum in Amorbach.
20 Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 177.
21 Ibid., p. 190.
22 Leo Löwenthal, An Unmastered Past, p. 203.
23 Adorno, ‘The Curious Realist’, Notes to Literature, vol. 2, p. 75.
24 Adorno, ‘Words from Abroad’, Notes to Literature, vol. 1, p. 186.
25 Adorno, ‘Offener Brief an Max Horkheimer’, GS, vol. 20.1, p. 155.
26 Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 161.
27 Adorno, ‘Zur Psychologie des Verhältnisses von Lehrer und Schüler’, GS,
vol. 20.2, p. 720.
28 Ibid., p. 718f.
29 Adorno, ‘Reinhold Zickel’, GS, vol. 20.2, p. 759.
30 Leo Löwenthal, An Unmastered Past, p. 44.
31 Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 192f.
32 Erich Pfeiffer-Belli was later to become editor of the Frankfurter Zeitung
and an author. He kept in contact with Adorno.
33 E. Pfeiffer-Belli, Junge Jahre im alten Frankfurt, p. 51.
34 Adorno, ‘Zur Psychologie des Verhältnisses von Lehrer und Schüler’, GS,
vol. 20.2, p. 727.
35 Ibid.
36 This dog features not just in this photo, but also in the so-called dream
protocols. In an unpublished piece Adorno recounts a dream sequence that
takes place at a school dance at a previous school. He was dancing ‘with a

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