Notes to pp. 254–257 547
63 The text was first published in the Kenyon Review in 1945. See also Thomas
Y. Levin and Michael von der Linn, ‘Elements of a Radio Theory: Adorno
and the Princeton Radio Research Project’.
64 See ibid., p. 316ff., as well as Adorno, ‘Die gewürdigte Musik’, GS, vol. 15,
p. 163ff.
65 Adorno, ‘Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in America’, in
Critical Models, p. 227.
66 See Horkheimer, ‘Der neueste Angriff auf die Metaphysik’, GS, vol. 4,
p. 103ff.
67 Horkheimer to Benjamin, 23 February 1939. Horkheimer, Briefwechsel,
GS, vol. 16, p. 567.
68 Horkheimer to Ernst Bloch, 17 March 1938, ibid., p. 413.
69 Horkheimer to Adorno, 11 September 1938, ibid., p. 478.
70 Ferdinand Kramer (1898–1985) was a member of the Deutscher Werkbund
and belonged to an influential group associated with the chief architect in
Frankfurt, Ernst May. In 1937, he was expelled from his profession by the
Nazis and he emigrated to New York with his Jewish wife Beate. In the
early 1950s, he returned to Frankfurt at the urging of Max Horkheimer
and played an important part in the reconstruction of Frankfurt University.
Between 1952 and 1964 Kramer and his associates were responsible for
the planning and building of twenty-one university buildings. Ferdinand and
Beate Kramer were both on friendly terms with Adorno. The two families
remained in touch even after Kramer’s second marriage, to Lore Koehn.
I have this information from a conversation with Lore Kramer in May 2002.
71 See Ferdinand Kramer, Der Charme des Sytematischen, p. 53ff.
72 Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 88.
73 Rainer Erd (ed.), Reform und Resignation: Gespräche über Franz L.
Neumann, p. 99.
74 Henryk Grossmann (1881–1950) was not involved in any of the institute’s
empirical projects. He devoted his entire life to researching the laws
governing the accumulation of capital and the collapse of the capitalist
system. In 1949 he was appointed to a chair in political economy at the
University of Leipzig. Karl August Wittfogel (1890–1988) had been the
China expert of the KPD since 1920. After the Stalin–Hitler Pact he left
the party and became an American citizen in 1941. In 1947 he was
appointed to a chair in Chinese history in Seattle.
75 According to Pollock, for the period between 1933 and 1942, some $200,000
was disbursed in the form of grants, chiefly to émigré scholars. See Pollock,
‘Memorandum for P. T. [Paul Tillich] on Certain Questions Regarding the
Institute of Social Research’, Max Horkheimer Archive, Stadt- und
Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main.
76 See Franz Neumann, Behemoth; Otto Kirchheimer, Politische Herrschaft,
and Von der Weimarer Republik zum Faschismus; see also Alfons Söllner,
Geschichte und Herrschaft, p. 86ff.
77 Marcuse’s writings during the New York years, and which he was able to
publish in the Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, have been collected and
republished in Marcuse, Kultur und Gesellschaft, and also Ideen zu einer
kritischen Theorie der Gesellschaft.
78 As originally planned, the book was to be titled Charles Baudelaire: A
Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism. The book was never completed,