
(Tina Sui) #1

558 Notes to pp. 292–296

88 This was the study by Nathan W. Ackerman and Marie Jahoda whose
final title was ‘Anti-Semitism and Emotional Disorder’. The authors sought
to discover how the distinction between your own group and alien groups
is transmitted in the course of education. They showed how feelings of
hostility were projected onto the out-group of Jews.
89 These memoranda are to be found in the Theodor W. Adorno Archive,
Frankfurt am Main, as well as in the Horkheimer–Pollock Archive,
Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main.
90 See Michael Werz, ‘Untrennbarkeit von Material und Methode: Zur
wechselvollen Rezeption der Authoritarian Personality’, p. 48.
91 Adorno, ‘Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in America’, in
Critical Models, p. 232.
92 See Horkheimer, Briefwechsel, GS, vol. 17, p. 535.
93 See Adorno, ‘Anti-Semitism and Fascist Propaganda’, GS, vol. 8, p. 397;
Adorno, ‘Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda’, GS,
vol. 8, p. 408; Adorno, The Psychological Technique of Martin Luther
Thomas’ Radio Addresses, GS, vol. 9.1, p. 7ff.; Ernst Simmel (ed.), Antisem-
itismus, p. 148ff.; Leo Löwenthal and Norbert Gutermann, Falsche
Propheten: Studien zur faschistischen Agitation, Löwenthal, Schriften, vol. 3.
94 Horkheimer, Briefwechsel, GS, vol. 17, p. 535f.
95 Adorno, ‘Die Freudsche Theorie und die Struktur der faschistischen
Propaganda’, p. 41f.; Adorno, ‘Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist
Propaganda’, GS, vol. 8, p. 414.
96 Adorno, ‘Antisemitismus und faschistische Propaganda’, in Ernst Simmel
(ed.), Antisemitismus, p. 149f.; Adorno, ‘Anti-Semitism and Fascist Pro-
paganda’, GS, vol. 8, p. 398.
97 Adorno, ‘Die Freudsche Theorie und die Struktur der faschistischen
Propaganda’, p. 56.
98 Ibid., p. 61.
99 Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 164.
100 Ibid.
101 Adorno, ‘Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in America’, in
Critical Models, p. 230.
102 The various titles considered included The Potential Fascist. See Adorno
to Horkheimer, 26 May 1948, Horkheimer–Pollock Archive, Stadt- und
Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main.
103 Adorno, ‘Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in America’, in
Critical Models, p. 235.
104 Adorno et al., The Authoritarian Personality, p. 733.
105 Adorno to Horkheimer, 26 October 1944, Horkheimer–Pollock Archive,
Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main.
106 Adorno et al., The Authoritarian Personality, p. 16.
107 This is a projective technique in which the subject is presented with a
series of open-ended dramatic pictures and asked to tell a story about
them. When evaluated, these stories can reveal a great deal about his
internal psychological mechanisms.
108 Adorno to Horkheimer, 9 November 1944, Horkheimer–Pollock Archive,
Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main.
109 Adorno, ‘Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in America’, in
Critical Models, p. 233f.

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