
(Tina Sui) #1
Index 645


23 (music journal), 198, 210, 211

Abendroth, Wolfgang, 340, 377, 378
Academic Assistance Council, 185,
187–91, 222
Adams, Walter, 189, 191, 222
Adenauer, Konrad, 328, 339, 340,
373, 414, 416
Adickes, Franz, 70, 72
Adorno, Gretel, née Karplus
(TA’s wife): attempted suicide,
485; before marriage, 106, 110,
123, 124, 153, 176; and Benjamin,
55–6, 59, 122, 162, 214, 281,
342; business, 56, 110, 191;
Californian life, 300; character, 55;
childlessness, 59; correspondence,
56; dedication of Kafka book to,
353; description, 55, 331, 346–7;
driver, 273, 299; editing TA’s last
book, 471, 485; engagement, 55;
giraffe, 59; hospitality, 467; illness,
311; marriage, 55–60, 63, 227–31,
448, 470, 484–5; meeting with
Adorno, 55; Nazi period, 191,
192; New York, 242, 260; opinions
about, 352; post-war family life,
346–7; pre-war holidays with, 110,
123, 176, 208; records, 260, 279;
and TA’s affairs, 61, 62, 63, 303,
308; and TA’s death, 484, 485;
TA’s separation from, 58, 87, 106;
wedding, 233; photographs, 491,
plates 16, 23
Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund:
achievements, 482–7; archive, 485;

baptism, 17; birth, 17; car accident
1928, 107, 109, 359; character, 18,
21, 42, 93, 225–6, 373, 376, 400;
childhood, 17–37, 398, 400; choice
of career, 99–109; choice of name,
3, 17–18, 94, 299, 360; citizenship,
299, 320, 348, 412; correspondence,
466; correspondence with parents,
299–303, 304, 309–10, 468, 482;
cultural origins, 3; death, 58, 325,
474–80, 481, 484; descriptions,
37–8, 39, 44, 93, 141–2, 190, 246,
373; doctorate, 50, 71; emigration,
see exile; family tree, 490–1;
favourite places, 398–402;
Festchrift, 410, 426; finances, 120,
185–6, 189, 274, 467; friendships,
26, 30, 39, 43, 61, 62, 68, 83, 89,
91, 93–4, 312, 313–14, 347, 367–8,
399, 401, 405–11; funeral, 479–80,
483, 485; hobbies, 467; hospitality,
467; illnesses, 98, 197, 310–11, 448,
478–9; influences, 37–51; integrity,
457–9; Jewishness, 19–20, 24,
93, 94, 178, 373, 485; journalism,
159–60, 373–4; language, see
language; love affairs, see women;
manners, 42, 60; marriage, see
Adorno, Gretel; music, see music;
obituaries, 486–7; parents’ house,
27–8; post-war public figure,
373–4; post-war public honours,
412; post-war routine, 466–70;
productivity, 159–62, 360;
pseudonyms, 180, 196, 199;
publications, 467, see also
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