
(Tina Sui) #1
Index 649

Buschbeck, Eberhard, 88
Busoni, Ferruccio, 41
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 195–6

Café Laumer, 142, 143
Cage, John, 407, 408
Caillois, Roger, 231, 407
California: TA in, 170, 273–321;
enemy aliens, 299, 305; German
refugees, 298–9, 312, 440;
Horkheimer in, 264; post-war
visits to, 348–52; road to, 267–72
Calvelli, Agatha, 6, 9
Calvelli, Angela Orzola, 6
Calvelli, Antoine Joseph, 6
Calvelli, Barbara Maria, née
Franceschini, 6
Calvelli clan, 6
Calvelli-Adorno, Agathe, 3, 9, 11,
16–19, 21, 22, 93, 207–8, 301, 491,
plates 4, 7, 9
Calvelli-Adorno, Elisabeth, née
Henning, 8–9, 10, 11, 12, 491,
plate 4
Calvelli-Adorno, Franz, 17
Calvelli-Adorno, Jean François, 5–12,
491, plate 2
Calvelli-Adorno, Louis Prosper, 9,
11–12, 22, 347, 467, 491, plate 4
Calvelli-Adorno, Wilhelm, 330
Canetti, Elias, 378
Cantrill, Hadley, 245
Capri, 95, 110
Carls, Ludwig, 100
Carnap, Rudolf, 232, 233
Carossa, Hans, 227, 331
Cassirer, Ernst, 188, 189, 190, 195,
CBS, 300
CDU, 413–14, 417, 449–50
Celan, Eric, 402, 471
Celan, Gisèle, 402
Celan, Paul, 326, 402–4, 405, 406
Cézanne, Paul, 88, 219
Chamberlain, Neville, 188
Chaplin, Charlie, 218, 259, 312
Chicago, 260, 273, 372–3, 415
China, 415, 438
Christian American Crusade, 292
Christianity, 127, 286

citizenship, 299, 320, 348, 412
class theory, 266–7
Cleveland, 273
Colburn letter, 381
Collège de France, 403, 407, 431,
Cologne, 7, 339, 359, 371, 385, 407
Colomba (Prosper Mérimée), 5, 7, 8,
Colombes, 261
Colonna family, 18
Columbia University, 196, 255, 259,
262, 269, 270, 271
Combray, 398
Committee on Un-American
Activities, 314
communism, 329, 454
Communist Party (KPD), 49, 94, 132,
134, 174, 176
compassion, 79
Comte, Auguste, 367
concentration camps, see Auschwitz
conformity, 384
consciousness, 410, 420, 437
Construction of the Aesthetic, 125–31
Cornelius, Hans: and TA, 72, 78,
79, 83, 98; career, 71–3; and
Horkheimer, 74, 75, 76, 77;
Introduction to Philosophy, 71;
Philosophy as Empirical Science,
71; rejection of TA’s dissertation,
103–6; seminars, 53, 69; successor,
109; transcendental philosophy, 71,
98, 103, 104; and Walter Benjamin,
Corsica, 5, 6, 10, 58
Coryan, Trena, 303
Côte d’Azur, 58, 311
Cotina d’Ampezzo, 110
Crans-sur-Sierre, 456
Crevenna-Bolongaro, Hilda, 124
critical theory: and Dahrendorf,
443; Horkheimer on, 259–60; and
Habermas, 376; nature, 425–6;
Negative Dialectics, 439; origins,
232, 379; problems, 423–4; and
student movement, 454, 460–3,
464, 478; TA’s legacy, 18, 422,
486–7; TA’s students, 485–7
Cuba, 261, 271
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