enforced by the government. In earlier
times, it was the subject of much dispute,
often degenerating into armed conflict as
different ascetic sects vied with one
another for the place of pride.
The time for each Kumbha Mela fes-
tival is determined astrologically, based
on the positions of the planet Jupiter,
the sun, and the moon. The Mela is held
at Haridwar when Jupiter is in Aquarius
(Kumbha) and the sun enters Aries; at
Allahabad when Jupiter is in Taurus and
the sun and moon are in Capricorn; at
Ujjain when Jupiter is in Leo and the full
moon appears in the lunar monthof
Baisakh; and at Nasik when Jupiter is in
Leo during the lunar month of Shravan.
These alignments occur about every
twelve years.
The charter myth for the Kumbha
Mela is taken from the story of Churning
the Ocean of Milk. After the ocean has
been churned and the nectar of immor-
tality (amrta) has been extracted, the
gods and their demonopponents begin
to quarrel over the pot of nectar. The
gods snatch the pot and make off with
it, but the person carrying the pot
grows tired, and in twelve days of carry-
ing it sets it on the ground four times—
namely, at the four sites where the Mela
is held. In each place a bit of the
nectar splashes on the ground,
sanctifying the site. According to popu-
lar belief, at each Kumbha Mela’s most
propitious moment, the waters in which
people are bathing become the nectar
of immortality, and all those who
bathe in these waters gain immeasur-
able religious merit.
Kumbha Mela is considered the
largest religious festival in the world.
Arrangements for the Melas at Haridwar
and Allahabad are made by the govern-
ment of Uttar Pradesh, coordinating
transportation, drinking water, and san-
itation for millions of pilgrims, as well as
building temporary cities for the
visitors. Ascetics come from all over
the subcontinent, some staying for
months. Many religious organizations
set up booths in an effort to publicize
their message.
Recently the government has begun
using the Mela to promote ideas such as
family planning and cleaning up the
Kumbha Mela
The bathing procession in Haridwar during the Kumbha Mela festival.
The differing ascetic orders proceed toward the holy waters according to a traditionally sanctioned order.