The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism (2 Vol Set)

(vip2019) #1

his activity, yet his face stays impassive
and unmoved. One of his four hands
holds the drum that beats the rhythm of
creation, while a second hand holds the
fire of destruction. His third hand is held
palm upward in a gesturemeaning “fear
not.” The fourth points to his upraised
foot, the symbol of refuge and divine

mercy for the devotee (bhakta). His
other foot crushes a demon, displaying
his power to destroy the wicked. The
image is a well-developed theological
statement, able to be “read” by those
who can interpret it.
In Nataraja’s charter myth, Shiva and
Kali, the goddess, decide to settle their


The god Shiva, in the form of Nataraja (the “Lord of the Dance”),
dances within a circle of fire that symbolizes the cycle of birth and death.
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