need not accept its literal reality for it to
be religiously meaningful.
The subtle body is visualized as a set
of six psychic centers (chakras), running
roughly along the course of the spine:
the muladhara chakraat the base of the
spine, the svadhishthana chakrain the
genital region, the manipura chakrain
the navel region, the anahata chakrain
the heart region, the vishuddha chakra
in the throat region, and the ajna chakra
is in the forehead between the eyebrows.
Associated with each of these chakras is
an elaborate symbolic system: All six can
be seen as symbols for a human physio-
logical capacity; the first five are associ-
ated with one of the subtle elements
(tanmatras), and the sixth with thought.
Subtle Body
Vishnu, surrounded by worshipers, wielding Sudarshana, his discus weapon.