Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Tests of our aims of exercising Tests of our aims of exercising

If   the    pelvis  tilts   downwards   on   the    side    of   the    
lifted leg, this is called a positive Trendelenburg’s
sign (Magee 1997). If there is no serious pathol-
ogy this is a reliable test for hip stability, particu-
larly strength of the hip abductors. This stability is
essential for all exercises on one leg. When these
exercises are performed correctly they build up this
stability (see Chapter 6, exercises 8.4 and 8.6, and
Chapter 7, Vkāsana).

Sitting on a chair or on the floor
• To test adduction cross one leg over, so that
one thigh is resting on the other one.
• To test abduction spread the legs apart.
• To test external rotation bend the knee and
rest the foot on the other thigh (see Chapter 6,
exercise 8.5, variation c).
Internal and external rotation can also be tested with
straight legs (see Chapter 6, exercise 8.1).

Lying on the back
With bent knees, hip flexion and circumduction can
be tested (see Chapter 6, exercise 8.2).
Lying on your back and bending one hip and knee
can also give important information (see Chapter 6,
exercise 7.1). If the straight leg comes off the floor
or the knee bends, a flexion contracture is indicated;
frequently there will be hypertonia of the psoas on
that side. A deviation of that leg to the side indi-
cates hypertonic lateral muscles.

Tests for the iliosacral joints

Of  the many    possibilities   for testing the iliosacral  
joints we select the following:
Lie on your back with one hip and knee bent (see
Chapter 6, exercise 7.1).
There are three different positions of movement:

  1. Keep bending only as long as the hip is not
    moving off the floor at all. This mainly shows

    movement in the hip joint.

  2. Bend further so that the hip moves away

    from the floor or couch but the curve of the
    lumbar spine does not change. This is iliosacral

    movement: by changing the direction of the knee
    you can reach different joint planes. In most

cases   it  is  sufficient  to  move    the knee    towards
the same shoulder and towards the opposite

  1. If you bend even further the lumbar spine will

    flatten more.
    In hypermobile iliosacral joints precise alignment is

    extremely important and pelvic torsion should be

    avoided in all exercises and postures.

Tests for the shoulders

Full    examination of   the    shoulder    may be   exten-
sive and also includes examination of the cervical
To make it easier for the patient to do the move-
ment in the shoulders and not the lumbar spine and
to avoid tilting the pelvis, self-testing of flexion and
abduction lying on the back is recommended:
Keep the contact of the back of the pelvis and
the middle back unchanged. Keep your arms par-
allel, and move them above your head. Then bring
your arms beside your body. Keeping them on the
floor, slide them sideways and over your head. Find
the painfree range of movement and compare left
and right.
Extension of the shoulders, moving the arms back-
wards, can be tested in sitting. Again it is important
to be aware of the stability of the pelvis and the
lumbar spine (see Chapter 6, exercise 4.9, part 4).
The back of a chair or wall may be a useful measure
of this backwards movement of the arms.
External rotation and abduction and internal rota-
tion and adduction can be tested at the same time
with the Apley scratch test (Magee 1997):

  1. Sit or stand. Again, be aware of the stability of

    the pelvis and lumbar spine.

  2. Internally rotate the left arm. Move it
    backwards; bend the elbow and touch the back
    with the back of the hand, as high as possible
    towards the head.

  3. Externally rotate and raise the right arm. Bend
    the elbow, touch the neck with the palm, and
    slide it down between the shoulder blades as far
    as possible.

  4. Feel whether the fingers can touch or overlap. If
    not, use a belt to measure the distance between
    the hands.

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