SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1

Business Process Mapping

Business Process Mapping is a collection of related, structured activities
or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for
a particular customer or customers. It may often be visualized as
a flowchart of a sequence of activities with interleaving decision points or as
a process matrix of a sequence of activities with relevance rules based on data
in the process.

▪ Describe the sample process
▪ Describe each symbol (see sample in Figure 6)
▪ Describe the need for documented business process
o Consistent approach
o Allows for optimization
o Ensures repeatable results
o Enables the identification of specific Roles & Responsibilities
▪ Where do you have BP?

▪ Where should you have BP Maps in your maintenance department?

Figure 6 : Business Process Mapping Symbols

Metrics and KPIs

Discuss what Metrics and KPIs are:

▪ Identify gaps in a specific area
▪ Set objectives and define scope
▪ Identify benchmarking partners
▪ Gather info
o Research and develop questions
o Plan benchmarking visits
▪ Distill the learning (compile results)
▪ Select practice to implement
▪ Develop plan and implement improvements
▪ Review progress and make changes if necessary

We use information gained during the benchmark to develop the company’s
Performance Challenge. In effect, we compare the client’s current
performance to world class standards. Then we work with the management

Think through what you need to do to keep your best
supporters engaged and on-board. Work out how to win
over or neutralize the opposition of skeptics. Where you
need the active support of people who are not currently
interested in what you are doing, think about how you can
engage them and raise their level of interest.
Also, consider how what you are doing will affect your
stakeholders. Where appropriate, let people know as early as
possible of any difficult issues that may arise, and discuss
with them how you can minimize or manage any impact.
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