SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1

Equipment Maintenance Plan

Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System (FRACAS)

A managed system for continuous improvement for asset reliability.

Reliability Failure Distribution

▪ Exponential
distribution is
used to describe
the reliability of a
component or
equipment on the
flat portion of
failure pattern

▪ Provides a percentage of probability that the equipment will operate
without failure during a specified period of time

▪ Different models can be used to determine reliability failure
O Weibull if quality life data is available

Weibull Analysis

A statistical analysis used to determine the
pattern of failure that a specific component
experiences for a specified failure mod; an
analysis based on life data.

Provides an accurate assessment of the
characteristic life of the component for the
same failure mode.

Each of the failure patterns are
represented by a parameter
known in the literature as the
beta value (β).

Beta = Shape
Eta = scale - characteristic life: Time at which
approximately 63.2% of failures occur
Requires age-to-failure data!
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