equipment fails. Usually there are pre-defined criteria that the cross
functional group evaluates for each piece of equipment against for all possible
risks and likelihood of failure. These are then grouped into specific categories
of criticality.
The end result is each piece of equipment is given a criticality ranking. This is
used to assist in decision making for scheduling, break-ins, etc.
In more advanced organizations, it is used to drive the maintenance strategy
as well.
Criticality information should be stored in the CMMS, not just the RPN, but
also the criteria rankings.
Work Order Priority.............................................................................................................................................
Establishes expectations with operations.
- <2 Days Immediate
- <7 Days Potential Loss
- <14 Days Planning
- <31 Days Planning
- <90 Days Planning
- <180 Days Project
Can add an additional ranking,
which is work order age. This
ensures the age of the work order
feeds into the process driving old
work to be completed.
Work Processes Single Point Lesson
Work Order Priority = Asset Criticality *Work Impact
RIME = Asset Criticality * Work Order Type
(Can include factor for time)