SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1

General Instruction: This test is designed to gauge your understanding of Maintenance & Reliability. It also prepares you for the environment you will experience
during a certification exam. Note that this test is based on what should be happening, not how it is done at their organization. (Note: For interactive online version,
please follow this link:

Write your answers on the space provided. You are given 3 0 minutes to complete the 2 5 questions. Only calculator is allowed (if any). No talking, no books or
references. After the 3 0 minutes is up, review the answers as a group and discuss answers as needed.

Pillar 1: Business & Management

  1. What is a vision? ($100 worth)

  2. This is used to determine the roles and responsibilities based on a
    business process. ($200 worth)
    Answer: ____

  3. What is a mission statement? ($300 worth)

  4. What does SMART stand for? ($ 400 worth)
    Answer: ____

  5. What is a stakeholder? ($ 500 worth)
    Answer: ____

Pillar 2: Manufacturing Process Reliability

  1. What does OEE Stand for? ($100 worth)

  2. What is the formula for OEE? ($200 worth)
    Answer: ____

  3. What does TPM stand for? ($300 worth)

  4. What does DMAIC stand for? ($ 400 worth)
    Answer: ____

  5. Name two types of Root Cause Analysis. ($ 500 worth)
    Answer: ____

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