SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1

Pillar 3: Equipment Reliability

  1. The percentage of age related failure patterns is? ($ 200 worth)
    Answer: ____

  2. Bathtub, wear-out, and fatigue are examples of this failure category.
    ($ 400 worth)
    Answer: ____

  3. This failure pattern is more prevalent after installation and repairs
    have been performed. ($ 600 worth)
    Answer: ____

  4. What beta parameter indicates a random failure in a Weibull
    Analysis? ($ 800 worth)
    Answer: ____

  5. What beta parameter indicates infant mortality? ($ 1000 worth)
    Answer: ____

Pillar 4: Organization Leadership

  1. What is Knowledge Management? ($ 200 worth)

  2. What is leadership? ($ 400 worth)

    1. What is Management? ($ 600 worth)

    2. What does ADKAR stand for? ($ 800 worth)
      Answer: ____

    3. What are the 4 Leadership styles? ($ 1000 worth)

Pillar 5: Work Management

  1. The measure of this best practice is 4-6 weeks. ($ 200 worth)
    Answer: ____

  2. The act of aligning available resources to the work backlog and
    placing it on the calendar. ($ 400 worth)
    Answer: ____

  3. This total percentage of your maintenance labor hours is allocated
    PM and Pd.M. activities. ($ 600 worth)
    Answer: ____

  4. In order to be effective, job plans must be written to this level. ($ 800
    Answer: ____

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