Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Models applied to case studies 213

Figure 8.4Four alternative urbanization models applied to the Nantes (France)
Region: (a) concentric rings; (b) satellite cities; (c) transportation corridors; and
(d) dispersed sites. Scattered dots = urbanization in first time stage; shading =
second stage; dense dots = third stage (for clarity, only included in upper left).
See Figure 8.2, Color Figure 25, and text.

Of the 38 worldwide regions, two other cities, both in the USA, have an unusu-
ally large metropolitan area relative to the urban region so the dispersed-sites
model will not fit. Philadelphia, a medium-population-size city, has a particu-
larly small urban region, and Atlanta, a small-population city, has an extensive
metro area only exceeded in area by Chicago (see Table5.1;Color Figures 3

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