Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Nature, food, and water 253

Concentrated greenhouses
The major clusters of greenhouses in certain valleys of the Maresma
together represent an important area of food and flower production. Two rela-
tively simple changes would greatly increase the value of these for nature and
people. Scattered shrubs, trees, and tiny woods, plus vegetation along gullies
would provide habitats and feeding areas for birds and other wildlife. The gain
tosociety would be still greater with the addition of small recreational facili-
ties. Two problem areas apparently need evaluation and solution: greenhouses
scattered on surrounding steep slopes, and excessive fertilizer used in the plant-
production process.

Waterfor nature and us
Waterscarcity and flooding pose a dilemma. Could water shortage be
theAchilles heel of Barcelona’s growth and influence? Is an August 2002 flood-
ing of nations and major cities of Northern and Central Europe a harbinger of
thefuture for the GBRegion? Although no single major solution exists, a pack-
age of solutions looks promising (Forman 2004a). Each solution in the package
addresses two or more specific water-related issues. Engineers and hydrologists
combined with aquatic biologists and landscape ecologists are central to the
solutions. Four solutions were outlined: (1) too little water: scarcity; (2) too much
water: floods; (3) two flows: stormwater and sewage; and (4) wetlands.

Too little water: scarcity
Most global-climate-change experts agree that in this region in the 2020s
annual precipitation will be about 10--15 % lower, and 20 % lower by the 2050s
(McCarthyet al.2001). During this period, exactly the time period considered
in the present plan, increases are likely in: frequency of intense precipitation
events; flood hazard; risk of water shortage; and summer drought risk. That
suggests both less available water and more flooding ahead.
If it is likely than no new clean fresh water will be discovered and the sky will
provide less, two strategies to get large amounts of water within the GBRegion
seem possible (ignoring expensive desalinization and bringing water from other
regions). Reduce demand, and clean up dirty water. Reducing demand through
water-conservation measures is mainly a finer-scale approach focusing on indi-
viduals, industries, municipalities, and government. Here the focus is on land
use for the long term.
There is lots of water around the GBRegion flowing in streams and rivers. But
almost all of it looks and is dirty. Hardly anyone sees fishermen there, for good
reason. Hardly anyone would drink out of these never-ending flows of stream

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