Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Built areas and systems 265

Industry: large, medium, and small
Light and medium industry,asamajor economic force for the GBRegion,
is widely dispersed across the land, commonly on the outskirts of municipali-
ties, and thus conveniently located for employment. In contrast, older medium
industry is often aligned along streams, and older heavy industry along rivers,
one of the key reasons aquatic ecosystems are so degraded. However, today fuel,
electricity, water, and space for waste treatment, as key resources for industry,
are widely distributed across the land. Relocation of older stream-based medium
industries to the edges of appropriate towns and cities would greatly improve
natural systems in the GBRegion.
Heavy industry is also very important to the economy of the region, and
themost promising approach appears to be relocation to one or more new
heavy-industry center.Here modern energy-efficient, water-efficient, and minimal-
pollution conditions could be established. Some waste-treatment needs of indus-
tries are compatible and can be pooled in one area. Two types of heavy industry
would be especially appropriate for such a center: (1) existing industry from
along major streams and rivers, especially the Tordera and Llobregat (Color
Figure44); and (2) attractive new clean industry that supports new jobs and
economic growth.
The optimum location for a heavy-industry center appears to be somewhere
in the Lower Anoia area (general area around Piera and surrounding towns) on
relatively flat terrain generally away from streams and rivers (Color Figure44)
(Forman 2004a). Good highway access and rail lines (also to the port if essential)
could be efficiently developed for transport of materials and goods. Also, con-
venient public transport and highway access to different municipalities should
provide for diverse dependable employment. An alternative strategy would be to
provide two or more heavy-industry centers, for example, on the north sides of
El Vendrell and/or Manresa.
One existing stretch of the Llobregat River valley from north of Martorell to
south of Sant Andreu de la Barca with considerable heavy industry is of partic-
ular concern. Apparently the most severe air pollution in the region, especially
particulates, NOX, and SOX, is centered here (Acebillo and Folch2000). Prepon-
derant winds are from the northwest, west and southwest, so pollutants are car-
ried directly downwind to the densest population in the Barcelona metropolitan
area and the Valles. River water quality is extremely poor from this area down-
river in the Lower Llobregat floodplain. Riverside locations vacated by industry
would provide great opportunities to enhance the Lower Llobregat area, and
also for flood reduction, the development of attractive local people parks, and
perhaps new minimal-polluting development.

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